Bionics presents the application of biological methods and systems found in nature to study and design engineering systems and modern technologies. Bionics as a novel discipline offers responses to connect everything. In the natural principles everything is connected. In this way, bionics connects all related discipline to explain the natural phenomena. Biology as foundation correlates to physics and chemistry. Furthermore, various derivates from the core sciences like biochemistry, electrochemistry, quantum physics and others deal with special research area in more specific way. All together form the research field of finding answers of natural laws and replicating them in the artificial solutions.
“Reconnection with nature.”
The main purpose of the bionic discipline is to emulate nature in order to propose efficient technical solutions. Through the evolution nature solutions are recognised as the most optimal among others. The functions, structures, materials, patterns and other natural features inspire engineers, designers and other scientists with new ideas.
“Future is in our hands. We are not hapless bystanders.” [James D. Wolfensohn]

The purpose of the research in this field is the freelance inventing by bionic principles. Nature lays exceptional foundation for technical innovations. Bio-inspired innovations should be yield from implementing the bionic living lab approach. Leonardo as the initial creator of the bionic field with his marvellous inventions posed the baseline for the bionic discipline.
Technical design of an angel by Vitruvius man from Leonardo Da Vinci. As within so without. Meaning the connection of the human with the whole Universe.
Technical design of an angel by Vitruvius man from Leonardo Da Vinci. As within so without. Meaning the connection of the human with the whole Universe.